A century ago, the well-known naturalist W H Hudson came to stay in Cookham to study birds in a rural setting, and subsequently wrote ‘Birds in a Village’ (still some left).
He wrote about birds on The Moor and The Commons, Quarry Woods, the old orchards and places along our local streams.
fascinating account seems never to have been updated so, some 100 years later,
Cookham resident Brian Clews reproduces his chapters, responding to each with
details of the changes in bird life that have occurred since Hudson’s visit.
illustrated with local images, 130 pages, and hard-covered, the book reminds us
how the village was all that time ago and indicates the affect of change to our
familiar, and scarcer bird species. The new book is now available at £14.50,
but with a special price of £12.00 for residents.
A donation from proceeds will be made to Elizabeth House. Contact Brian Clews to place orders"
To order:
You can order a copy of 'BIRDS IN A VILLAGE - A CENTURY ON' by sending the following information and your book will be delivered personally before Christmas. The price per copy is £14.50 (special price of £12.00 for Cookham residents) and part of the proceeds will go to Elizabeth House in the village.
Return this form to the address below with your cheque made out to Brian Clews. Order now while stocks last.
No of copies ......................... Cheque Value £ .................. enclosed
Name of person ordering: ..................................................................................................
Address for delivery of the book: .......................................................................................
Tel No ...............................
Please email, return or deliver form to Brian Clews, 118 Broomhill, Cookham. Tel No 01628-525314
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