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Car Crime In Cookham

23 March 2005

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22nd March 2005 was the evening that David Hodson, Manager of the Cookham Tandoori, had organised for PC Val de Haan, Cookham residents and Cookham shopkeepers to meet regarding the apparently high level of car crime in Cookham. There was standing room only in the upper room at the Cookham Tandoori for late comers. Suggestions for better lighting in Cookham Village were put forward, but it was not known if this was agreed by the majority. It was suggested that a questionnaire could be done asking people their opinions. The CCTV cameras were also criticised as it appeared that they were not really doing the job for which they were intended.  It was pointed out that a professional who understood the CCTV cameras should be asked along, ideally the people who actually were in charge installing the cameras for the Royal Borough. 

Shopkeepers and Residents Gather at the Cookham Tandoori

PC de Haan handed round two photos taken by the cameras showing how lights could actually make them less clear by causing too bright an image. He also had a photo when the Christmas lights were up which made the whole road much clearer. Apparently over Christmas with the lights crime went down in the High Street although it seemed to just go round the corner to Sutton Road. PC de Haan pointed out that whatever was done to try and deter the break ins, it did not go to the heart of the problem which was drug related and it was this that had to be tackled. He felt that one of the main areas was the Britwell estate in Maidenhead. He said because of the many business people visiting the pubs in Cookham after work, Cookham tended to be targeted. PC de Haan gave some interesting statistics stating that there had been 433 crimes in Cookham in the last year, 142 of which were car crimes and 83 of those taking place in Cookham Village. This appeared to be a lot higher than neighbouring villages.

It was suggested that the Advertiser could have a PR campaign stating the actions being carried out in the village, so that people were aware that steps were being taken to combat the crime problem. Also that our MP Theresa May could be contacted about this and made aware of the problem.  Click here for contact information.  

It was decided that a small committee should be set up to discuss the way forward, this would consist of six people including representatives from Cookham Rise and Cookham Dean as well as Cookham Village. Councillor Gordon Harris agreed to represent Cookham Dean and suggested Councillor Tony Prichard should represent Cookham Rise. David Hodson from the Cookham Tandoori and three others from Cookham Village also agreed to be on the committee.

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