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What's Happening at Cookham Station?

(13 March 2004)

Thanks to Timmy Mallett


What's happening at Cookham station? Hundreds of  commuters this morning noticed that the railings have been scraped and the lamp posts made ready for painting and the waiting room is about to be given a lick of paint too. All this as Thames Trains is set to hand over it's franchise to First Great Western in April! 
We've been crying out for this for years, but it's taken a change of franchise to bring it about. Network Rail and the Strategic Rail Authority have been to inspect Cookham station and told Thames Trains to make good 60 stations across the Thames Valley in the next few weeks. So painters arrived at Cookham station this morning with brushes and paint only to find snow has stopped work!

And who will look after the station after it's been painted? Network Rail is suggesting that local residents become responsible for the looking after the branch line! They want local groups to deal with the litter and graffiti problems. The Maidenhead to Marlow branch line is one of the lines they want concerned locals to look after. If that happens maybe we'll finally get results to the daily complaints about litter on the line and graffiti across the station.....

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