DIG DIG DIG! 22 September 2005 click on photo for larger image |
A busy day at the diggings! Holy Trinity
primary school came to watch Marlow Archaeological Society digging
trenches in Church Meadow. "I bet it's a moat" said one kid
"That's the best suggestion we've had
all week" said Anne the site manager....
They've found stuff dating back
through Victorian times, Tudor, medieval, Norman, Bronze Age, Iron Age
and even Stone Age flints nearly 5000 years old.
For any enquiries, or if you would like to become a member of MAS,
please ring 01628 523896 or e-mail: joyblake@btopenworld.com. The Cookham Project excavation is one of two for which MAS have received a grant from the Lottery Heritage Initiative. |
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