The Strande lane
roadworks are nearing completion. The contractors have done a
brilliant job, raising the road level over a metre, putting in flood
relief channels, and protecting the lot with stone and earthworks. The
trees along the road way will need further pruning and the old dead
willow tree that the Environment Agency didn't want to chop out will
have to go. It breaks through the fence and looks ridiculous.
Often these things aren't obvious until the work nears completion. Gas
and water pipes are about to go in and then there will be three levels
of compacted gravel for the road surface. No tarmac is planned at this
stage because - it's only a track! Funny how they've gone to motorway
level of road building and then want to skimp on a nice bit of tar and
chippings which would give the road surface years of life. But we wait
to see. It may yet happen!
Nice job, we say.