Proper assessment of
the character of the area concerned.
This can protect and enhance positive features which contribute
to the sense of the
place. It can also
identify poor quality elements and seek out opportunities to achieve
discernible improvements in these cases. A Landscape Character
Assessment may be useful;
Design should be
holistic and three dimensional showing an appreciation of context;
Analysis of the near
and far views of the proposal and to what extent these will be
experienced by the public and any residents;
Proposals should
respect views in relation to existing landmarks and distant vistas;
Proposals should seek
to preserve the skyline and any roofscapes visible from streets and
Choice of sustainable
materials in the construction of the development; and
Choice of
complementary designs, materials and colours to produce a harmonious
development and to minimise contrast between equipment and its
Consultation with
local people on individual design proposals at the pre-application
Consideration given
to mast or site sharing with other operators (e.g.
at White Place / Widbrook).