Local super-celeb Timmy Mallet has announced exclusively to Cookham.com his new show "Timmy Towers" which is being recorded in Cookham!
The new series of Timmy towers is in production for CITV and will hit the screens weekly from April 7th at 4pm. Timmy and his team have been rehearsing at the Parish Centre and anyone lucky enough to have spotted them will have seen about 10 people cycling across the Moor reciting their lines!
Among the guests on the show is Cookham Dean's Lorraine Kelly and watch out for a number of Cookham Rise year 3 kids making their acting debuts as ghosties and ghoulies, a cup of tea and of course the heroic kids who get flushed down the toilet to the room with No TV!
Remember you heard it first on Cookham.com. Wackaday! Click here to visit their wacky site