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posted 17 November 2012 

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Paul Mansell - Marlow FM, Severine Dieudonne - founder of Africa Turns Green, Tony Thornby - Living Streams

Severine Diedonne, the founder of Africa Turns Green, spent the day in Cookham on Wednesday14th November. She gave three presentations (Herries School, Cookham Rise School and to Cookham Bridge Rotary Club). She also met Paul Mansell from Marlow FM and Anthony Thornby from Living Streams as they are overseeing Africa Turn Green's Social Media work (very generously on a voluntary basis).

Cookham Bridge Rotary

Herries Pupils

Séverine at Herries

Coming to Cookham and visiting Herries school was a wonderful experience. I was really amazed by the level of enthusiasm from the children. They are concerned about environment issues and the problem of global warming, and wanted to learn more about Africa.


All of the pupils were very welcoming and asked very thought-provoking questions. The Africa Turns Green film showed children learning to read and write in Burkina Faso and it was an interesting parallel. It made us all realise how lucky and privileged we are. It is also proof that even if you are a deprived child from West Africa, with passion and good ideas, you can achieve a lot and make a positive change in your own community. You just need to have a dream


Like the children from Herries, I come from a privileged background and thanks to all my trips around the world, I realise how lucky I am. I therefore want to make a difference by trying to do something to protect our planet.


Sam Martin - Head boy (Year 6)

"I found the work of the Ethiopian green entrepreneur (Bethlehem) really interesting - she was making shoes from recycled car tyres, and she'd made it into a big, international company. I think her company (SoleRebels) makes around 500 pairs of shoes a day which is really impressive."

Emily Stephens (Year 4)

"Before today I didn't realise that gorillas could transmit diseases to humans. I learnt so much. The Ugandan wildlife vet (Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka) is doing so much to help humans and gorillas. It is great."

Jessie Sumroy (Year 5)

"I thought that it was amazing that an ordinary person like Severine could set up such an important charity helping green entrepreneurs in Africa, and make such a difference to humans, animals and the environment. It was really inspiring."'


Severine's visit to Cookham Rise School

Cookham Rise Pupils with Séverine

Visiting Cookham Rise School was a great experience. It was my first ever talk to children about Africa Turns Green so I will definitely remember it for a long time.


I was really amazed by the level of knowledge from the children. They were so concerned about environmental issues and the problem of global warming.


They were very welcoming and asked very thought-provoking questions.


The Uganda film showed children how in Uganda some amazing people are taking care of the gorillas and protecting the local population from getting diseases. 


I had an interesting visit to the African garden and I was really moved by the enthusiasm of the eco-warriors. For example, Joseph explained to me how he took care of the compost. Grace wanted to show me the frogs and told me that it was nice to have them in the school. 


The eco-warriors are very knowledgeable and feel really responsible for green issues. I also really liked the idea of planting trees in Cookham Rise School’s garden and it reminded me of a school I visited in 2011 in Senegal where children were also planting trees in front of their classrooms. They wanted to eat fruit from the trees and also protect themselves from the sun during their lunch break. 


Whether we are in West Africa or in Cookham, we are all doing something to protect our planet.

I really hope that I will have the chance to come back and visit the Africa Garden in the summer. I would love to meet the pupils again and hear their latest stories about the African Garden. 

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