Crime: 29 January 2014 The Borough have sent me over a link to a new video they have produced, which explains the role of the RBWM Community Wardens and introducing them. It is only 9 minutes and worth a look: http://tinyurl.com/naxyc6w 2 STOLEN PLUMMER TERRIERS – ELLIE & CHARLIE The attached pictures are of two copper terriers that were stolen early yesterday afternoon, from Knowl Hill. They are pedigrees and valued at £350 each. Both have been chipped. Any sightings to the PEC on 101 please. COURIER FRAUD: I have had this in from Pamela: Dear Jeff, I looked at the presentation from ‘Homeinstead’ which was really good. I do not have any links into the groups and day centres you mention, but I know how easily my parents might be taken in by a scam, as they are so trusting. I would be keen to see it circulated somehow. The question is, how to get it to the people, who are home alone and don't go to such places? Pamela I quite agree. I have sent the PCSOs out with leaflets and fliers, to put in all our libraries, day centres, doctors surgeries etc. but as Pamela points out, that is not everyone that could fall prey to this terrible scam. People’s life savings are involved with this one. That is where we, in NHW come in. We now have over 12,000 residents on the Alert system - that is someone in almost every street or at least, every other street in the Borough. This is down to us, to protect those more elderly and vulnerable than ourselves, who live in our streets. I send out all this information, some of which might increase the fear of crime for the elderly and therefore increasing their isolation. Again this is down to us, to pass on the information in a positive way that they can understand, without increasing their fear of a sometimes modern and unfamiliar world. If they know about the scams and have heard how they work and what they are likely to see and hear, they simply will not fall victim. Just making contact with them, without interfering with their independence which they value highly – will assist. We used to run and promote the ‘Nominated Neighbour Scheme’, referred to in the Homeinstead presentation. If you are at home during the day and can offer someone this help – please think about it. Making that first approach is the hardest part ! I have just had this in from Peter Webster, our CCTV guru – what a brilliant idea ! Hi Jeff, Having read through the Homeinstead briefing today, I thought we might be able to assist with the ‘Senior Fraud Awareness’ and crime reduction information, to the elderly. As you know, we operate the ‘Careline’ service for Slough and surrounding area, with about 1000 elderly and vulnerable clients on the system – these are the pendants vulnerable people wear around their necks, or on their wrists. They are all required to call in monthly, to test their Careline system. If we had the information in an easy to use format, my operators could ask Careline test callers, if they have a few minutes to discuss crime reduction information ? I’m sure many of them would like to hear this from us – someone they trust. We would need to make sure it is accurate and not too long, or boring. We could plan a campaign when we give a message each month etc. What do you think? Peter I think it is a brilliant idea. I have consulted with Louise Tyson at Repair With Care, who offers the same service here – we call them ‘Lifelines’. Bracknell also has a similar system. Does anyone else have similar suggestions ???
are cooking on gas !
MAIDENHEAD CENTRAL: maidenheadcentralnhpt@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk Your Neighbourhood Page on TVP's Website - Click Here NO CRIME TO REPORT. RIVERSIDE & BELMONT: maidenheadcentralnhpt@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk 27/1 Monday 5.45 p.m. Collier Close. Something thrown at the house causing damage to a bedroom window MAIDENHEAD WEST BISHAM, COOKHAM, HURLEY, THE WALTHAMS, LITTLEWICK GREEN & KNOWL HILL: Your Neighbourhood Page on TVP's Website - Click Here 28/1 Tuesday 1.05 p.m. / 2 p.m. Cholsely Road. Offenders have forced a metal gate and stolen 2 dogs from their kennels. Another dog was stolen last year. Please see my note above. 27/1 Monday 10 p.m. / 11 p.m. Waltham Road, White Waltham. The owner bought a Subaru Legacy car on Saturday. By 11 pm. Monday it was gone from the drive. The owner still has the keys. PINKNEYS GREEN & FURZE PLATT: maidenheadwestnhpt@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk NO CRIME TO REPORT. MAIDENHEAD SOUTH BOYN HILL, COX GREEN & WOODLANDS PARK: maidenheadsouthnhpt@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk Your Neighbourhood Page on TVP's Website - Click Here NO CRIME TO REPORT. OLDFIELD & BRAY: maidenheadsouthnhpt@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk 24/1 – 28/1 Friday 5.10 p.m. / Tuesday 8.20 a.m. Norreys Drive. Car keyed and tyres slashed. 28/1 Tuesday 8.35 – 2 p.m. Bray Court, Bray. Burglary. Entire UVPC rear door removed. Untidy search. iPod., mobiles X 2, large amount of cash, iPad, keys and a red Mercedes X 200 stolen. Later during the afternoon, the car pinged up as a stolen vehicle on ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), 2 men have been arrested and the car recovered. MEMBERS’ ADVICE: SCAM EMAILS FROM BANKS: HI Jeff, I nearly got caught last week. I received a text from Nationwide with whom I do have an account. It read: "We've been attempting to contact you. Please visit https://paymentassistance.nationwide.co.uk for further information". As I had, for the first time in a long time, just missed the deadline to pay my Nationwide Credit card bill; I thought this at first, might be genuine. When one clicks on the link it opens a very authentic looking window, with the Nationwide logo etc asking for First Name Surname Last 4 digits of Credit Card Account No Date of Birth I was just about to respond, when something about it made me think again. I called NW and right enough they confirmed that no such text would ever be sent. How the fraudsters would use this information, I don't know but I 'm sure they could I consider myself pretty savvy and streetwise around this stuff but I nearly fell for it - PHEW!! Regards Peter Thanks Peter, they would have emptied your account ! COURIER SCAMS: Hi jeff, I believe I had one of the courier fraud calls, shortly after your first warning about this. I think it was on Saturday 4th January, late in the afternoon. The man sounded like a typical television policeman. Either he speaks naturally like that or he has acting skills. He asked for me by both first and last names, which is unusual, so I was instantly on alert. He started to say, "I'm from the Met", but that's as far as I let him go. I told him. "No you're not." and put the phone down. I haven't reported it, as I knew you were aware of these scams and I have very little information to add. One thing I might say though is that I used my credit card in a large Supermarket that afternoon and I hadn't needed to use it for about 2 weeks. There has been no fraudulent use however, so I think it was just a coincidence. Pauline Many thanks Pauline, I wonder if all these calls are made late afternoon as the banks are closing, so that you cannot check ??? NOTTINGHAM KNOCKERS: Hi Jeff, I think I had a Nottingham Knocker at my door this morning, in Green Lane, Windsor . I did the standard - sorry I don't buy at the door - and off he went. I called it in on the 101number, with his description and direction of travel. He did produce a plastic sealed card, stating he was from some fabric company and told me he was a former inmate of prison. I feel I made the right decision. Bruce You did exactly the right thing. IF NO-ONE BUYS FROM THEM – THEY WON’T COME BACK. WINNING THE LOTTERY ! Hello Jeff, This is to let you know that I have received an email with an attached PDF telling me that I have won a Euromillions prize. Since I entered both the Euromillions on Friday and National Lottery on Saturday this was not entirely incredible but in fact the winning numbers listed in the PDF are not the numbers I entered so presumably a scam. Among other things that made me suspicious were that the contact details are in Johannesburg! Having said that it looks sufficiently credible that some people may be taken in. |
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