in if you want Sow
seeds, plant flowers or vegetables Enjoy refreshments! MEETINGS AT ALFRED MAJOR ALLOTMENTS IN COOKHAM RISE Meeting until late autumn Saturdays 11.00am -1.00pm Alfred Major Allotments Tuesdays 11.00am -1.00pm Alfred Major Allotments
Allotment News March-April 2017 Interested in the idea of
‘grow your own’ but not confident to have a go on your own? Would you like to enjoy the physical &
‘stress-busting’ benefits of gardening with like-minded people? Are you looking for ways of
spending some time outdoors with the family, finding out about
plants and wildlife? Are you a carer looking for a peaceful place
with the person you support so you can both benefit from active or
passive gardening? Contact: Kathy Rickman 01628 522797 or Becky Pinniger 01628 526066 for more details
The allotment is flourishing with produce being continually picked and shared among those who come to help and others who have given us their support in moving forward. The excellent combination of sun and rain has helped! We have been harvesting runner and French beans, courgettes, potatoes, salad leaves, Swiss chard and beetroot. We were very pleased that we were able to supply the potatoes for the Methodist Church monthly Sunday lunch.
A good community
feeling is developing with several people becoming 'regulars'.
It is also good to share tips and advice with other allotment
holders on the Alfred Major Field. We are grateful to the
Parish Council for agreeing to put in a gate on the railway
side of the fencing which means it is a shorter walk to carry or
wheel gardening items from that side of the recreation
ground. Also we will be taking up the offer of the Parish Council
for another plot and will be considering the option of
building more raised beds for people to have their own
individual growing space.
Anyone is welcome
to come along and experience the benefits of growing your own and
being out in the fresh air. The allotment will be open
on the following dates in September and October.