

Newsletter Autumn 2001



POUNDFIELD - The Current Status


As many of you will know, this site has a long history of hard fought planning applications dating back to 1967.

The earlier applications were refused on traffic grounds, though the site itself was recognised as suitable for housing in principle.

The most recent application was made in 1989 and was for a major housing development covering the whole site. After a series of epic battles both at Borough and at Appeal level it was eventually turned down in 1991 by the Secretary of State. His grounds were the importance of the site as a local amenity; the need to preserve the settings of listed buildings and the need to preserve the views from within the site accessible by the public footpath.

Following this decision the Borough extended the boundary of the Conservation Area in which much of the Pound is situated to include part of the Poundfield site.

In 1995, when the local plan was reviewed, Poundfield was put into the Green Belt largely on the strength of the comments made by the Secretary of State in 1991 decision. This rendered any housing development on the site virtually impossible.

The owners of the site contested the Green Belt designation through the Courts, and were eventually successful when in February this year the Court of Appeal, in a highly technical judgement, ruled that the Green Belt designation was unjustified and removed it. Leave to appeal to the House of Lords has been refused. The result is that in the Local Plan, Poundfield is now without any specific designation except for the part which is in the Conservation Area.

Undesignated does not mean unprotected. A meeting took place on 27th September between members of the Society, the Parish Council and the Borough Planning and Legal Departments. The Borough confirmed that a number of factors including surviving parts of the Local Plan, recent government Planning Guidance and the Planning history of the site made it highly probable that if any application were made now for housing on Poundfield, it would be refused and that refusal would be upheld on Appeal. In the meantime, there is really little further that the Borough can do.

The Appeal Court decision is not a ground for panic. It does not mean that houses are about to spring up on Poundfield. There is in fact nothing for us to fight because no application has been made to develop any part of the site. Members can be assured that if any application were made, the Society would, as before, mobilise all its resources to resist it. As things presently stand we would have every chance of success.

The danger is in the longer term as inevitable shortage of housing land increase the pressure for Poundfield to be released. The next Local Plan will take effect in 2005. The consultation process for it starts next year. It will be our task to ensure that Poundfield is designated in that Plan in such a way as to give it the maximum protection which is possible outside the Green Belt. Both we and the Borough already have some ideas in outline as to how this might be achieved.





Our “Cookham Collection” of local scenes with a seasonal flavour has proved a winner. Last year we made a profit of £820. With the possible threat of unwanted development this was a useful addition to our fighting fund.


We are so fortunate to have many talented people in our community who are ready to give a hand in a practical way to further the aims of the Society.


Many thanks indeed to Pam Hammond, for her “Cookham Village under Snow” and her generosity in donating the original for a blind auction in December. (See enclosed Christmas Card Order Form for details).


The Society would also like to acknowledge with grateful thanks a donation of 8,000 envelopes from Simon Elvin Ltd, the greetings card manufacturers of Wooburn. This has made a huge contribution in allowing us to price our new cards so keenly, while still allowing us to generate some very useful revenue to help us in our work.


Full details on how to order your cards are in the Flyer enclosed with this Newsletter. JS

FLOOD DEFENCES FOR COOKHAM – work postponed to Spring 2002

Roger Powling, project manager for the Environment Agency, says “It is very disappointing that we have not been able to start work on the scheme yet. However, delaying the work will make sure we get the right scheme for Cookham in the long term. Cookham will get its flood defences, but regrettably not this year.”


We are approaching the potential flooding season in January/February and the Society regrets the need for the postponement. We are told the Agency has been unable to start construction work earlier because public consultation, planning procedures and agreements with landowners that have to be done first are taking longer than originally anticipated.


Reproduced by Kind Permission

In our last Newsletter, (Summer 2001) we reported upon two new planning applications, one for the demolition of the building and an amended plan for the development of the site.


There is little to report, the matter is still in the hands of the Planning Officers. All they will say at the moment is, they are discussing a reduced scheme with the applicant. JS

Cookham Society Website

Now Up and Running


President: Mrs Jean Stretton (P)

IIsis House, Berries Road, Cookham Village SL6 9SD

01628-819107 Fax 01628-529393 Email

Vice President: Mr Bob Sands

Widbrook Farm Cottage, Sutton Road, Cookham, SL6 9RD

01628 522601

Chairman: Mr Richard Gold

Little Garlands, Grange Lane, Cookham SL6 9RP

01628-521215 (also Fax) Email

Vice-Chairman: Mr David Ricardo (P)

Mead Cottage, School Lane, Cookham Village SL6 9QJ

01628-520103 (also Fax) Email

Hon Secretary: Ms Liz Kwantes

3 Hillside Cottages, New Road, Cookham SL6 9HB

01628 525130 Email

Hon Treasurer: Mr John Gibbings

9 Trees Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5HF

01628-523031 Mobile: 07946 053390

Membership Secretary: Mr Bill Spicer

Azul, High Road , Cookham SL6 9JU

01628 525258 Fax 01628 851228 Email

Mrs Mandy Brar (P)

11 Hillcrest Avenue, Cookham SL6 9NB

01628 523606 (also Fax) Email

Mr Peter Bysshe

Orchard House, High Road, Cookham SL6 9JT

01628 526819 Email

Mrs Margaret Cubley

57 Temple Mill Island, Bisham, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1SQ

01628 825042 Email

Mr David Callund

Oveys Farm, Cookham SL6 9SF

01628 525399 Email or

Mr Pablo Dubois

Regency Cottage, The Pound, Cookham SL6 9QD

01628 521002 Email

Mrs Dianne Evans (P)

11 Woodmoor End, Sutton Road, Cookham, SL6 9QS

01628 526010 Email

Mr John Field (P)

31 Westwood Green, Cookham SL6 9DD

01628 523960

Mrs Sally Lloyd-Parry

Widbrook Cottage, Sutton Road, Cookham SL6 9RB

01628 851199 Email

Mrs Susan Mahoney

7 Sleekstone Cottages, Grange Road, Cookham SL6 9HP

01628 810341 (also Fax) Email

Mrs Alison Parry

Sheffield House, High Street, Cookham SL6 9SH

01628-531804 Email

Mr Jim Peck

Danes Oak, Danes Gardens, Cookham SL6 9BF

01628 522356

Mrs Elizabeth Runnacles

Hilldean, Hockett Lane, Cookham Dean SL6 9UF

01628 485710 Email

Mrs Susie Tremlett

Tregedna, Startins Lane, Cookham Dean SL6 9TS

01628-483444 Email

(P) denotes Planning Committee members


Mark FRIDAY November 16th in your diary for the

Society CHRISTMAS PARTY – Book now!

(more information contained in Newsletter)

Seek us out SATURDAY October 13th

Holy Trinity Parish Centre 10am – 4pm

New Seasons CHRISTMAS Cards on sale

Seek us out SATURDAY October 20th

Pinder Hall Charity Cards sale 10am – 1pm

New Seasons CHRISTMAS cards on sale

Seek us out SUNDAY December 2nd

Cookham High Street Charity Market

New Seasons CHRISTMAS cards on sale

HISTORICAL FORUM – Early next year.

Question, answer and audience participation

see Spring Newsletter

SPRING WALK – A historical walk through

Cookham. See Spring Newsletter


Volunteers required – see this Newsletter

Cookham Christmas Charity

Shopping Afternoon

Sunday December 2nd

Cookham Village High Street

2-30pm – 5.30pm


Do come and enjoy an afternoon of pre-Christmas fun with

Father Christmas


Hot Dogs, Chestnuts and Mulled Wine

Carol Singers, Youth Wind Band, Face Painting

Guess the weight of the Christmas Cake

Cookham Pantomime tickets on sale

Cookham Society Christmas Cards

Raffle Prizes and much more

Clown Entertainer, Victorian Organ

and Carousel

Holy Trinity Church Advent Carol Service 6.30pm

This traditional Christmas event will support

the causes of

Elizabeth House Holy Trinity School

Holy Trinity Church Organ Fund

The Thames Valley Hospice



and others


Your News and Views

Please contact The Editor :

Jean Stretton

01628 819107 - fax 01628 529393



01628 819107


Golden Jubilee Celebrations – 2002

We are giving early consideration to the Society’s contribution to this great event, – the 50 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Following the success of the photographic exhibition staged in

partnership with the Friends of the Royal Borough Museum Collection for the Millennium, we have been encouraged to do the same again with a different theme. Yet again Pam Knight is willing to generally co-ordinate this but with a lot of help from a lot of people, how about you?


The exhibition would consist of photographs and memorabilia of past celebrations in Cookham and the surrounding area. Do you have any photographs, postcards, mementos or information, such as programmes or newspaper accounts, of past celebrations in or around the locality but, in particular, Cookham Village, Rise or Dean? In fact anything which commemorates or shows us all enjoying ourselves for a special reason !


These may be processions, fetes, street parties or whatever of royal events, such as Jubilees, Coronations or royal visits. They may cover any period, such as festivities for Queen Victoria to the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.


Can you personally remember how past celebrations were held, what happened and which local groups organized them? And what

commemorative items were given to local schoolchildren? If so, will you please tell us about these? Or do you know anyone elderly who may have some interesting memories?


Your original photographs and documents will be safe, as we are able to quickly copy and return anything we need. We would also like to photograph your old royal commemoration mugs and, if you prefer, can arrange to do this at your home. This will take a great deal of preparation, so if you feel you can help us please contact us as soon as possible on 01628-520004 or on e-mail at PK/js




The Society’s presence at two important events in Cookham this September – the Regatta on the 1st and the Cookham Dean Fete on the 15th was much enhanced by our new Gazebo. This may have contributed – with the loan of Cookham postcard views from Pam Knight, thank you Pam and the hard work of a dedicated team of volunteers to a considerable success.

(29 new Members, over 150 packs of Christmas cards sold)

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