by Brian Clews £10.00
Recent book by local author
available again for Christmas 1999
A book which looks at the changing face of Cookham over the last century, and the effect this has had on birdlife, with recollections of local villagers and suggestions for exploring this pleasant place. Some of the proceeds will go to Elizabeth House Day Centre, in Cookham.
Since initial publication in Dec 97, further copies have been made available for Christmas 1999 as an ideal gift for a family member or a friend who once used to live here.
"Any book which helps us appreciate the beauty and tranquillity surrounding the place in which we live, and which also aids the work of our Day Centre at Elizabeth House, should find its place on our book-shelves. I hope you will be joining me amongst the pages of 'Cookham - Its Birds, People and Places.' Wendy Craig
Many of us know the joys of walking around the village of Cookham and how such walks can be enhanced by a knowledgeable friend to point out landmarks and points of interest. In this book, Brian Clews gives us the opportunity to have our walks illuminated by his observations, not only of the places and people of our village, but also the rich bird-life which surrounds us. Those of us who are yet to be awakened to an understanding of ornithology will want to keep this book as a constant companion to enhance our appreciation of this beautiful corner of Berkshire. As for those already versed in this fascinating field, they will appreciate the careful attention to detail.
All who know Cookham will enjoy this extremely readable account of life in our village as we move towards the end of this century, and Brian Clews will take his place alongside Darby, the Bootles, Roger Parkes and Luke Over, in preserving our history for future generations to enjoy.
Father David Rossdale, Holy Trinity, Cookham
To order:
You can order a copy of 'Cookham - Its Birds, People & Places' by sending the following information and your book will be delivered personally before Christmas. The price per copy is £10.00 and part of the proceeds will go to Elizabeth House in the village. A special price of £8 each for two or more copies is available.
Return this form to the address below with your cheque made out to Brian Clews. Order now while stocks last.
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Please email, return or deliver form to Brian Clews, 118 Broomhill, Cookham. Tel No 01628-525314