Family Easter Trail at Herries on Saturday 31st March 2012 was
a huge success - there were about forty two children and approximately
forty eight adults hunting around the front and back gardens of the
school, searching for and solving riddles. The children all had answer
sheets to write down the answer to each of the eleven puzzles and then
had to solve an anagram to find out the Eastery phrase. Each child was
rewarded with a pack of mini chocolate eggs and adults, a cup of tea and
hot cross buns! Children were then able to take part in a variety of
craft activities - Easter card making; junk modelling or cutting and
sticking. Parents had the opportunity to mingle and chat and enjoy their
tea. There was a raffle - a giant egg and a chocolate Easter bunny were
up for grabs - both won by children! And at the end of the
afternoon, all the children were given a boxed Easter egg to take home.