11-12 May 2013

with thanks to Josephine Crabb



This exhibition was an exciting collaboration between the four Cookham primary schools (Holy Trinity, Cookham Dean, Cookham Rise and Herries) looks at the work of Marconi and others whose inventions contributed to the development of many of today’s digital art forms.


The exhibition was in conjunction with the Talk: Great Wireless Moments which was on Thursday, 9 May and Playlet: Who was Guglielmo Marconi? on Saturday, 11 May




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Robot Mobiles Marconi - Holy Trinity Primary School

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The "Sweet" Robot - Holy Trinity Primary School Marconi and Science
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Marconi and Science
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Auto Watering Robot Communication - Cookham Rise Primary School
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'Interactive Morse Code - Herries School' exhibit Two Heads are Better than One - Cookham Dean Primary School
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Robotic Cleaner - Holy Trinity Primary School The Satinator - Holy Trinity Primary School

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