Bill Moulford reprised the role of Guglielmo Marconi in Professor
Jim Bennett’s sketch ‘Who was Guglielmo Marconi’ first
performed on ‘Marconi Day’ at the Museum of the History of
Science in Oxford.
sketch sets out to explore three facets of the complex background of
Marconi who is credited
with inventing wireless communication.
Bennett a former director of the History of the Museum of Science in
Oxford where the Marconi collection is exhibited explained that he
wrote the sketch on Marconi because ‘Historians have to make a
decision on the type of person they are writing about and this is
difficult in a Musuem context’
aspects of Marconi’s personality were dramatized by Bill Moulford
with a different accent for each characterization. Professor Bennett
asked the audience to vote on whether they thought Marconi was a
romantic Italian physicist; an Imperialist English businessman or a
plausible Irish salesman.
delighted audience voted in favour of Marconi being an Imperlialist
English businessman which Professor Bennett thought might have been
because Marconi at one time lived in Whyteladyes Lane where Marconi
conducted his first wireless experiments with an aerial in a tree
earthed by a pan handle to increase the signal strength and the
broadcast could be heard 4 miles away in Maidenhead.