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Crime: 18 August 2014


A final reminder for the Retirement Fair on Wednesday – Ascot Racecourse all day.  I will have Paul Hay out volunteer IT Guru with me on our stand, to answer questions about IT security.  I am chairing a ‘Question Time’ type session for an hour, discussing Pensions, the new legislation and how we are all affected – with four pension experts.  If you cannot attend, but have a question – or you are attending and have a question, email it to me at my police email at the bottom of this message.  I will have it asked during the session and get the experts to reply directly to you, or if there are some really good questions, provide a fact sheet of the questions and answers.  Sometimes it really helps if the answer is written down to be considered in detail afterwards – as this is such an important area for all of us.

We had a burglary in Windsor over the weekend and it may prove a useful lesson to us all:
15/8  Friday 2 p.m. / 4.15 p.m.  Clewer Court Road.  Burglary.  Offenders entered the house via a rear door LEFT OPEN, while the owners were in the garden.  The offenders made their way upstairs to the bedrooms and carried out an untidy search.  Jewellery box and bedside tables, searched.  One ring has been taken from the dressing table.  The offender left without being heard.  Wallet and contents, Nokia mobile, organiser / diary, ladies fob watch encrusted with pearls, 4 rings – 1.  Gold ring with a sapphire and 8 diamonds, 2.  White gold ring with a sapphire and 6 diamonds, 3.  White gold ring with 9 diamonds, 4.  Half sovereign gold ring set with a chain, a silver chain and a blue stone silver brooch stolen.  Apologies to those that have been receiving these messages for some time.  We have new members each month, who may not be aware of our traditional mantras – it may be new to them.  Real jewellery, must never be left in a jewellery box, on a dressing table, nor in beside cabinets.  An ‘Opportunist Thief’ will only be in your house a matter of minutes.  They must target this very short time span.  Their first target, is the master bedroom for jewellery.  Generally jewellery boxes will just be thrown into a pillow case, as will the contents of beside tables.  SO – valuable / sentimental jewellery, must never be, in either of these places.  This aggrieved, did not expect to be burgled – it can happen to anyone at anytime.  Real / valuable / sentimental jewellery you do not wear, must be hidden in your home, where it would take a thief, more than 5 minutes to find.  You know your house best, a loose floorboard / skirting board / kitchen unit plinth / kickboard.  5 minutes, that’s all the hiding place has to sustain.  Chests of drawers in bedrooms, are searched by removing the bottom drawer first and throwing the contents across the room.  If there is jewellery amongst the clothes, they will hear it hit the far wall – remember – they are not going to clear up, or replace anything that is damaged.  The second rooms they target are children’s rooms – Play stations / X boxes, laptops, computer games and DVDs.  Kitchens next.  They will sweep everything out of your cabinets – full tins, will hit the far wall, fake Baked Bean tins and tea caddies with money, will not and can be heard.  Same for fridges and freezers.  Everything out – people hide stuff in those places, which are well known to thieves.  Next are offices / wherever you put bank statements, credit card statements, cheque books, pension books etc. etc.  These need to be hidden and secured, just as well as your jewellery. 
Where ever you hide your valuables – you need to remember where they are and tell a trusted family member !
15/8  Friday 7.40 p.m. Pickins Piece, Horton.  Two men pulled the index plates from a car.  They were attached with double sided tape.  If you do have index plates stolen, you have 2 options.  A replacement screwed on with non return / tamperproof screws, or double sided tape, with a special index plate that breaks into sections, if anyone tries to remove it.
16/8  Saturday Horton Road, Datchet.  The owner of a car, popped into a shop to buy groceries – LEAVING THE KEYS IN THE IGNITION AND THE ENGINE RUNNING.  When he came out - it was gone.  A grey / silver Vauxhall Zafira index Y 3** NAR
2 men walked into a pub in Bray and asked to change some pound coins.  The staff were helpful – the men then produced £200 in £1 coins.  They totally confused the staff, changing their minds several times, before buying a drink to distract them, then canceling that order and leaving.  When the bar cashed up, they found they were £200 short !  This is a very old scam – can everyone just be on their guard if anything like this starts and make sure they are covered on any CCTV at the premises.  Call us on the 999 number.
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Affray – Maidenhead
Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses after a disturbance outside a cafe in Maidenhead, which resulted in three people being arrested.
Just after 4.15 p.m. on Wednesday (13/8), police received a report that eight men were fighting outside Cafe Nero, Queens Walk, Maidenhead. 
Officers attended and arrested three men. No injuries were reported to police.
The three men, all from Maidenhead and aged 21, 25, and 28, were arrested on suspicion of affray and have been released on police bail until 7 September.
Anyone who witnessed or has information about the incident is urged to contact PC Ross White via the Thames Valley Police Enquiry Centre on 101.
If you don't want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.
16/8- 17/8  Saturday 11.40 p.m. / Sunday midnight.  Fuller’s Yard, Sheephouse Road.  Store room broken into through a hole made in the roof.  Heavy gardening equipment stolen – all take out via that hole.  Stihl hedge trimmers X 2, expensive professional dark green Hayter 56 lawnmower stolen.
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17/8  Sunday midnight / 10 a.m.  King’s Lane, Cookham.  Shed break – lock forced and padlock removed.  Stihl hedge trimmer stolen.
30/7 – 17/8  Kings Lane, Cookham.  Double glazed house window broken.  No attempt to enter.
17/8  Sunday 1.30 a.m.  King’s Lane, Cookham.  Transit near passenger window smashed – Stihl hedge trimmer stolen.
16/8  Saturday  0.40 a.m.  Halifax Close.  A witness saw someone leaning into a car.  Seconds later it burst into flames and the man just walked off slowly.  When challenged he ran off.
16/8  Saturday midnight / 6 a.m.  Bradcutts Lane.  Garage break – door forced – nothing stolen.  They may have been disturbed by the security lighting.
16/8  Saturday 2.30 a.m. / 3 a.m.  Headington Road.  Three youths on bikes went down the road damaging and kicking wing mirrors.  They were all white, blond aged between 16 – 20 years old wearing hoodies.  Several cars damaged, others just had their wing mirrors bent back.
15/8 – 16/8  Friday 7 p.m. / Saturday 8.45 a.m.  Headington Road.  Lorry had it’s windscreen and passenger side window smashed overnight.
16/8 – 17/8  Saturday 10.30 p.m. / Sunday 4.15 a.m.  Harrow Lane.  Two bikes strapped into a carrier on the rear of a car stolen.  They had been packed on the car to go on holiday.  They were chained together and locked to the carrier !  1.  A very expensive man’s, black & white, Trek Fuel EX5 mountain bike.  2.  An even more expensive, man’s, black & white, Trek Fuel EX 8 mountain bike.
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15/8 – 16/8  Friday 6.30 p.m. / Saturday 7.30 a.m.  Maidenhead Road, Cookham.  Burglary.  Entry point rear patio doors POSSIBLY LEFT INSECURE.  The house is presently having an extension built and the thief stole a bag of tools.
15/8 – 16/8  Friday 8 p.m. / Saturday 1 a.m. Cleveland Close.  Garage break.  The garage door was open and 3 bikes were on view.  They have been stolen.  1.  A white, ladies,  Apollo Instinct mountain bike.  2.  A black, man’s, Ridgeback  mountain bike.  3.  A man’s black Salcano mountain bike.
10/8 – 17/8  Court Close.  Metal decorative items, stored under a tarpaulin in a garden stolen.  A stove – possibly too heavy to move was left behind.  An antique wooden stand, a plaster statue of Jesus, a bronze candelabra with ornamental flowers, a Victorian oil lamp painted white and two bronze table lamps stolen.
10/8 – 16/8  Lillibrooke Crescent.  A black Range Rover stolen from driveway.  It was stolen without access to the keys.  The car was recently purchased.  It had previously been involved in crime, in Brent Cross London.  It has now been recovered by Hertfordshire Police, on fake plates !  It is a possibility that the previous owners, kept a set of keys when the car was sold, intending to steal it back !  Always check a car’s history prior to purchase !!!!
16/8  Saturday 12.10 p.m. / 7 p.m.  Wavell Road.  Bike LEFT INSECURE outside a house stolen.  A pink mountain bike.
18/8  Monday 2 a.m. / 10 20 a.m.  St Adrian’s Close.  2 locked up bikes stolen from outside a house.  1.  A purple / mauve, ladies, Giant mountain bike.  2.  A gents, black / red, Specialized mountain bike.

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