Cookham is fortunate to be twinned with Saint Benoit a village with woods and a river near to the historic town of Poitiers in central west France.

The village has the highest possible ranking possible of 4 fleurs (flowers) for French 'Villes Fleuris' and is the only commune in Vienne with this status. It has developed its natural environment over several years, including their 'Les Jardins des Cookham'. Benoit is in a fascinating and beautiful area of France, with many historical towns and villages around, some going back to medieval times. The commune is divided into three parts with a 12th century church and with a river running through, just like Cookham!

Poitiers is an ancient, interesting University town and is close to the theme park 'Futoroscope'.

Cookham has been Twinned with Saint Benoit since 1994 and has annual reciprocal visits when we link with French friends and stay in each other's houses. In 2024 we look forward to welcoming Saint Benoit to Cookham, when we will host a variety of social and cultural activities. In 2023 we will be visiting Saint Benoit and look forward, as always, to a great experience and welcome. Saint Benoit can be reached easily by car (via Portsmouth), plane or train.

We also have some regular activities in Cookham. Each week there is an informal French lunch, 'Flunch' where we have an hour or so speaking French to each other, and members are welcome to join a monthly French film evening.

You don't need to be a French speaker to participate in Twinning, although this is a chance to improve your French language skills. Best of all are the opportunities to get to know some very friendly French people and to appreciate and enjoy the culture of France.




Twinning members are very welcome to join our monthly French film nights, 8pm at Elizabeth House.



NEWS 2024


June 2024 - Although some of Cookham Twinning's regular activities are taking a break in July and August, we are now well into the preparations for the visit of Saint-Benoit in Autumn half-term, 26 - 29 October.

An interesting programme of events has been lined up ranging from a formal reception to a skittles evening. The main visit of the weekend will be to Blenheim, 'Britain's greatest Palace' and a world heritage site, followed by the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

We are seeking hosts for the visitors who stay with local families over the weekend, and if you'd like to offer this, please contact No knowledge of French is required as we will match you with English speaking visitors. Or perhaps you\u2019'd like visitors who don't speak English so that you can practice your French! Even if not hosting, you are welcome to join the various activities in the visit, and Keith can provide you with full information about what is happening.

May 2024 - Having had a great visit to Saint-Benoit last October, we have started planning for the visit of Saint-Benoit to Cookham on 26th-29th October this year. As usual, our visitors will be accommodated with local families, and there will be a mixture of cultural and social events, open to all.

Meanwhile France and Saint-Benoit are gearing up for the 2024 Olympics. The Olympic flame will be passing through Saint-Benoit on 25th May, on its way to a location in Poitiers to light a cauldron.

In the latest Saint-Benoit magazine, the Mayor encourages the people of Saint-Benoit to vote in the June European elections, and to increase the previous voter turn-out. The main article in the magazine is about the work in Saint-Benoit to restore the 'Arches of Parigny', the only remaining part of a Roman aqueduct dating from the first century which supplied Poitiers with drinking water.

We are grateful to our Cookham naturalist, Brian Clews, for writing a summary of the work done by WildCookham this year. We translated this into French, taking particular care with the names of the fauna covered, and have sent this over to Saint-Benoit, who we know are also keenly interested in their local environment. We look forward to receiving a similar response. Our local activities continue, including French films and lunches.

Saint-Benoit : Une ville-jardin extraordinaire !



Letter to Saint Benoit - Brian Clews - WildCookham 2023

Twinning Activities 2023

Cookham Twinning Visit to Saint-Benoit 2023  

St Benoit Celebrates the Coronation of King Charles 2023

Cookham Twinning Visit to Cookham 2022

Cookham Twinning Visit to Cookham 2018

Cookham Twinning Visit More Photos 2016

Cookham Twinning Visit 2016

Cookham Twinning Visit 2015

Cookham Twinning Visit 2014

Cookham Twinning Visit 2013

Cookham Twinning Visit 2012

Cookham Twinning Visit 2011

Cookham Twinning Visit 2010

Cookham Twinning Visit 2008

Cookham Twinning Visit 2006

Visit to Cookham's Twin Town - 2005

French Fun - 2004

Ils sont arrivees - 2004

A Happy Twinning Christmas - 2003

Fun in St Benoit- 2003

Cookham Society and Cookham Twinning Come Together for a Joint Christmas Party - 2002

French visitors in Cookham for 'Allo'een - 2002

Cookham Twinning celebrate Christmas - 2001

Cookham Twinning Visit St Benoit - 2001

Twinning show film Plein Soleil - 2000Futuroscope - the Park of the Moving Image

Best Twinning Quiz Yet - 2000


Single (£ 12 for two year/£ 25 for 5 years)
Family (£ 20 for two year/£ 40 for 5 years)

Click here for Application Form

For more information phone: 01628 532279



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