STRUCTURE 2011 - 2012
3. COMMITTEES AND THEIR STRUCTURE 4. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE & TERMS OF REFERENCE There have been some changes to the CPC Structure and Terms of Reference. These were approved at Full Council Meeting on 1st June 2010. |
1. COUNCIL STRUCTURE 2011 - 2012 (return to top) Cookham is made up of three areas, Cookham Dean, Cookham Rise and Cookham Village. These three wards are represented by fifteen Parish Councillors as follows: |
2. PARISH COUNCILLORS (return to top) The Parish Councillors are all unpaid, but are supported by a paid, part time Parish Clerk and her assistant. |
The Committee Structure and their Terms of Reference, were approved at the Full Council Meeting on 1st June 2010. |
STRUCTURE: The work of the Council will be conducted by five Standing Committees as follows: I. PLANNING COMMITTEE: To be composed of every member of the Council and chaired by the Chairman of the Council, or in his absence, by the Vice Chairman. The Planning Committee will meet at 7.30pm on first and third Tuesday of each month with a Quorum consisting of at least five Council Members. The terms of Reference will be:- 1. To consider all Planning Applications received from the Royal Borough Planning Office and to express its views on each application within the time limits imposed by the Royal Borough. 2. To recommend Enforcement Actions. 3. To make representations to the appropriate Authority on any other planning matters (eg. Tree Preservation Orders, Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Green Belt Policy etc)
II. FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE: To be composed of six Committee Members plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council, and the Chairman of the Adoptive Acts and Footpaths & Open Spaces Committees. The Finance & General Purposes Committee will twice in June to approve the internal audit and Annual Return, once in September, December and an optional meeting in January to finalise and approve the Budget. Extra meetings shall be organised at the discretion of the Finance Chairman. A Quorum will consist of five Members of the Committee. The Terms of Reference will be:- 1. To consider all matters concerning the Finances of the Council. 2. In consultation with the Footpaths & Open Spaces Committee and the Adoptive Acts Committee, to prepare and recommend to the Council the Annual Budget and the Annual Precept. 3. In particular, the Finance & General Purposes Committee will be responsible for: (a) All Financial Transactions (b) Staff Remuneration (c) Insurances (d) Office Machinery and Furniture (e) Annual Subscriptions to local associations etc (f) Grants (g) Letting of and Upkeep of all Council Property, including Cemetery Cottage (h) Council Elections (i) Staff employment and staff dismissals (decisions to be ratified by Full Council) 4. The Committee will refer any matter as listed above which it considers of sufficient importance to the Full Council for a decision and recommendation for action. III. ADOPTIVE ACTS COMMITTEE: To be composed of six Committee Members plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council. The Adoptive Acts Committee will meet in April (optional), July, October and January. Extra meetings shall be organised at the discretion of the Adoptive Acts Chairman. A Quorum will consist of four Members of the Committee. The Terms of Reference will be:- 1. To be responsible for all matters relating to the Cookham Parish Cemetery, Street Lighting, the two War Memorials and the Seat at the Tarrystone.
2. In particular, the Adoptive Acts Committee will be responsible for:-
(a) Recommendations to the Finance & General Purposes Committee concerning the Cemetery Fees and Payments. (b) The upkeep, maintenance and improvement of the street lighting in Cookham controlled by the Parish Council. (c) To liaise with the Royal Borough and other bodies over the upkeep and improvement of other street lighting not under the control of the Council. 3. To prepare an Annual Budget in the month of October each year for consideration by the Finance & General Purposes Committee at their meetings in December and January.
4. Once the Budget has been approved by the Council, the Adoptive Acts Committee has the executive power to decide on all matters relating to their administration within the framework of the Budget and policies agreed by the Council. Only matters considered to be of great importance should be referred to the Full Council for a decision. IV. FOOTPATHS & OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE: To be composed of six Committee Members plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council. The Footpaths & Open Spaces Committee will meet in May, August, November and an optional meeting in February. Extra meetings are at the discretion of the Footpaths Chairman. A Quorum will consist of four Members of the Committee.
Terms of Reference will be:- 1. The maintenance and general upkeep of all Footpaths shown on the definitive numbered footpaths within the Parish Boundaries of Cookham.
2. The general upkeep of Odney Common and other Common Land within the Parish Boundaries of Cookham.
3. The maintenance, general upkeep and improvement of the Alfred Major Recreation Ground.
5. The organisation and preparation of the Annual “Britain in Bloom” Competition with help and assistance provided by the Royal Borough, the National Trust and other organisations associated with the event.
6. To prepare an Annual Budget in the month of November each year for consideration by the Finance & General Purposes Committee at their meetings in December and January.
7. Once the Budget has been approved by the Council, the Footpaths & Open Spaces Committee has the executive power to decide on all matters relating to their administration within the framework of the budget and policies agreed by the Council. Only matters considered to be of great importance should be referred to the Full Council for a decision.
To be composed of one Council Member from the West Ward (Cookham Dean), one Council Member from the Cookham Rise Ward and one Council Member from the Cookham Ward plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council – or one other Council Member. A Quorum will consist of three Members on the Committee. The Terms of Reference will be:- 1. To deal with “urgent” business which has not been notified in time to appear on the agenda, and it is too late for action if left until the next ordinary meeting, and there is not enough time to call another meeting. 2. “Urgent” routine business will be dealt with by the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman of the Council. 3. Decisions taken by the Emergency Committee will be notified to the full Council at the next ordinary meeting by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Council.
VI. CONSULTATION COMMITTEE The Committee will comprise of six Committee Members plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council.
A quorum of four Committee Members will be necessary for any formal meeting to take place. The Committee will be responsible for reviewing and answering all Consultation documents that arrive at the Parish Office. Meetings will be convened by the Chairman of the Committee when necessary to allow time to meet the response times. There will be six duties or Terms of Reference:
VII. RULES CONCERNING THE OPERATION OF COMMITTEES: 1a All Standing Committees (other than Planning and the Emergency Committee) should consist of two Council Members from Cookham Dean, (West Ward), one Council Member from Cookham Village (East Ward) and three Council Members from Cookham Rise Ward.
1b The Adoptive Acts and Footpaths & Open Spaces Committees may co-opt an additional Councillor from any ward.
1c The Emergency Committee may co-opt two additional Councillors from any ward.
2. All Committee Meetings, except the Emergency Committee, will be held at either the Parish Office or the Parish Community Room. All Council Meetings are not permitted, by law, to be held in a private dwelling or on licensed premises.
3. The Chairman of all Committees (other than Planning and the Emergency Committee) will be elected by the other Committee Members at their first meeting after the Annual Meeting in May.
4. No decision emanating from any Committee can be taken by the Chairman alone or by any Members of the Committee other than at a meeting specifically called for a named purpose which is quorate. Any such decision can be entered in the official Minutes of the Council.
5. The conduct of Councillors at Committees will be in accordance with the Government’s National Code of Local Government Conduct which all Councillors undertook to abide by when signing their declaration of office. In this Code, your over-riding duty as a Councillor is to serve the local community who voted for you, and those who did not. In agreeing to join a Committee, therefore, you are expected to attend the meetings on a regular basis and fully participate in the work of the Committee. |
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