This is a listing of sports facilities and physical activities available to us here in Cookham. If you would like to add to or change any of the entries please contact us. Some of the costs may have gone up, so you need to check.









Is this correct? If you spot any errors in this section please contact us and we will amend them as soon as possible. Click here to email the Webmaster

AEROBICS Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: Woodford Park Leisure Centre
Venue: Woodford Park Leisure Centre, Woodley
Contact: 0118 9216969
Special Comments: We offer free parking to members and users of our facilities. We have 100+ car parking spaces, including 2 disabled bays.

BADMINTON Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: Bourne End Junior Sports Club
Venue: The Sports Hall, New Road, Bourne End
Contact: Email
Special Comments: Ages 11-18. We run club internal competitions with prizes for each age section

BADMINTON Back to the top (updated 19 November 2022)
Name: WWG Badminton
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road
Meeting Times: 7.30 pm - 9.00pm Wednesday nights 
Cost: (costs are dependant on number of players and charges from the Pinder Hall)
Contact: Contact Andy Coulter
Special Comments: We play mixed and mens badminton and operate through the year and all ages are welcome.  Either come down on a Wednesday or Contact Andy Coulter 

BADMINTON Back to the top (updated January 2018)
Name: Friday Badminton
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road
Meeting Times: 8.00 pm Tuesday nights September - April
Cost: (costs are dependant on number of players and charges from the Pinder Hall)
Contact: Brian Schirn 01628 819460’
Special Comments: From very young to very old. Fun players; we do not play in tournaments!

BOWLING Back to the top (updated 19 December 2024)
Name: Maidenhead Town Bowls Club
Venue: Oaken Grove, Maidenhead SL6 6HL
Contact: 01628 675911
Special Comments: We have a large Club House with a well stocked bar and a kitchen where coffee and tea can be prepared at any time.

CRICKET Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: Cookham Dean Cricket Club

Cookham Dean Cricket Club, Whyteladyes Lane

Contact: 07886 256558
Special Comments:

All levels of players welcome, also spectators. 

The Cricket Club can also be rented out. Click here for information.

CRICKET Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: Thames Valley Cricket Academy
Venue: Cookham Dean Cricket Club, Whyteladyes Lane
Special Comments: Ages 6 to 13 year olds

DANCING Back to the top (updated 17 November 2023)
Name: Cookham Dance Club
Venue: Pinder Hall, Cookham
Contact: Penny Bysshe 
Special Comments:

Come and learn Ballroom and Latin dances in a friendly, fun and sociable atmosphere.


DANCING Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: Azure Theatre School  (Children's Dance Class)
Venue: Pinder Hall, Cookham
Meeting Times:

Saturday 9.00am - 3.30pm

Contact: Kelly-Marie Gibbs, Tel. 07789 264 639, 
Special Comments: see for more details.

DANCING (3-18 years) Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: SOTA School of the Arts
Venue: Reading / Windsor / Bracknell
Contact: 01189 587168 or book on-line
Special Comments: Dance, singing and drama  

DANCING (SCOTTISH) Back to the top (updated December 2024)
Name: Maidenhead Scottish Dancing Club
Venue: St Piran's School, Gringer Hill Maidenhead SL6 7LZ
Contact: Jane Coutier 01628 628372 Sue Pearson 07986665674
Special Comments:  

DANCING (SCOTTISH) Back to the top
Name: Scottish Country Dancing
Venue: Liston Hall, Marlow
Meeting Times:


Contact: Joan Doughty 01344 883431
Special Comments:  

DANCE, DRAMA AND SINGING Back to the top (updated October 2014)
Name: Drama, Dance and Singing for children aged 4-12 years old
Venue: Pinder Hall
Meeting Times:

Tuesday evenings see for times

Cost: see
Emma-Jane Taylor 01628 898038 
Special Comments: Cookham. Annual shows at The Kenton Theatre, Henley and Summer Presentations for all students at Pinder Hall.  Summer Workshops available in July. Please visit our website or call 01628 898038

DANCING (TAP) Back to the top
Name: Tap Dancing 
Venue: Castle Hill Centre, Maidenhead
Meeting Times: Thursdays 9.30am 
Cost: £4 per term in advance
Contact: Judy 01628 523025
Special Comments:
"Enjoy learning something different or take up an old passion.  Try TAP DANCING at Castle Hill Centre in Maidenhead on Thursdays. 9.30am - for those  slightly more able.
All you need are some tap shoes.   Very sociable atmosphere and lots of laughing involved. All ages very welcome  

DARTS Back to the top
Name: Darts at Cookham Dean Cricket Club
Venue: Cookham Dean Cricket Club, Whyteladyes Lane
Meeting Times: Wednesday Evenings September - March
Cost: £2 per evening inclusive of refreshments, but must also be member of Cookham Dean Cricket Club 
Contact: Peter Partridge 01628 526671
Special Comments: There are 2 teams which play in local darts leagues

DARTS Back to the top
Name: Cookham Social A and B Teams
Venue: Cookham Social Club, Station Hill
Meeting Times: Wednesday nights
Cost: Must be member of Cookham Social Club.
Social Club Membership January-December, £10 registration plus £5 p.a. Discount for OAPs.
Contact: Cookham Social Club 01628 810447 (7-10pm)
Special Comments: Member of the Maidenhead Darts League

DRAMA Back to the top (updated March 2015)
Name: Sparky's Drama
Venue: Pinder Hall / Cookham Dean Village Hall
Meeting Times: Monday Afternoon/Evening (Pinder Hall) Wednesdays (Cookham Dean Village Hall)
Contact: 07889 311414 (Amber)
Special Comments: Different ages in different classes

FOOTBALL Back to the top
Name: Cookham Dean Football Club
Venue: Alfred Major Recreation Ground, top of Hillcrest Avenue
Meeting Times:  
Justin Burrows Club Secretary 07766475752 or Nick Philips 07901855011 (Head of the Girls/Wildcats section)  Dominic Gavin (Junior section) 01628 525907
Special Comments:
Founded in 1879 Cookham Dean FC the Club provides football for Boys and Girls (Wildcats Centre) from the age groups Under 7 years to 16 and then there's men's football at senior level and new players are always welcome
The Junior section play on Saturday or Sunday mornings while the men in the section play at step 7 of the football pyramid in the Thames Valley Premier League on Saturday afternoon
The Season runs from September through to April and training evening tend to be Tuesday's Wednesday's and Thursday's while some of the Junior train on Saturday's
The Club have hosted many Charity events at it's headquarters on the Alfred Major Recreation Ground Hillcrest Avenue Cookham Rise and is very proud of it's place at the heart of the local community.
The members are always looking for help in running the club, if you would like to become actively involved, join the committee or help with fundraising you would be made very welcome.
The Club enjoys the support of the local community and continues to thrive and more information can be found on the Club's web site

FOOTBALL Back to the top (updated 22 August 2014)
Name: Pro Direct Soccer Academy
Venue: Holy Trinity School in Cookham
Meeting Times: Saturdays at , 9.30-11am
Cost: £6
Contact: Call 0118 9581 556 or 07921 726332.
Special Comments:

.Just turn up on the day. 


FOOTBALL (Indoor) Back to the top
Name: Cookham Wanderers
Venue: St Piran's school, Gringer Hill, Maidenhead
Meeting Times: Friday Nights 8.30pm-10.00pm
Cost: £3 approx per night
Contact: Colin 01628 520113
Special Comments:
We play 5 a side each week, up to 3 teams rotating, followed by the pub to talk about how great we were! 
We go on an annual international 11 a side footy tour, and we welcome challenges from teams who are no good.

GOLF Back to the top (updated July 2016)
Name: Winter Hill Golf Club (click for website) and Gavin Clark Pro Golf
Venue: Grange Lane, Cookham SL6 9RP
Meeting Times: All year 8am - dusk
Cost: Ring pro shop for details 01628 527610
Contact: Secretary’s Office 01628 527613 (Gavin Clark)
Special Comments: Non members can play Mondays to Fridays but check availability with pro shop first on 01628 527610. If you are interested in membership write to the Secretary for a membership form. The Club has junior, ladies and men’s sections. 

Gavin Clark does both adult and junior training


HEALTH & BEAUTY Back to the top (updated October 2014)
Name: The Fitness League
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road
Meeting Times: Tuesday mornings 10.00am-12.00pm (Closed in August)
Cost: Phone Angela for costs
Contact: Angela Porter 01628 526555
Special Comments: All ages welcome

HOCKEY Back to the top
Name: Marlow Hockey Club
Meeting Times:
Contact: Men Graham Sweet 01628 473235  Women Margot Nicholls 01628 521830
Special Comments: All ages

HOCKEY (In-Line) Back to the top
Name: Bourne End Buffaloes (click for website)
Venue: Bourne End Junior Sports Club, New Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5BW
Meeting Times: Saturday lunchtimes
Cost: Must become a member of Bourne End Junior Sports Club, plus £10 per month
Contact: Luke Hnat on 07789 682315 or email
Special Comments: Comments: Looking for new players aged 9 to 17 years. If you can't skate but would like to learn, then please enquire about our "Learn to skate sessions". In-line hockey is fast, fun and great exercise!

KAYAK Back to the top
Name: Longridge
Venue: Longridge, Quarry Wood Road, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1RE . 
Meeting Times:  
Contact: Phone Number : 01628 483252 Fax : 01628 483252 
Special Comments:

As usual to book any of the above or find out more, call us on 01628 483252 or email 


KEEP FIT Back to the top (updated 3 March 2023)
Name: Seniors Fitness Classes
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road, Cookham
Meeting Times:

Thursdays 13:00 - 14:00

Cost: £5.00
Contact: 07808242535 Karin Howley
Special Comments: Over 60s

KEEP FIT Back to the top
Name: Immortal Bootcamp
Venue: Cookham Moor
Meeting Times:

Every Tuesday and Thursday 6am - 7am

Contact: 07792 881255
Special Comments: One week free 

KEEP FIT / BOOT CAMP Back to the top (updated July 2015)
Name: Fit Me
Venue: Wesley Hall, Lower Road, Cookham
Meeting Times:

Wednesday 6.30am - 7.30am and 7.30pm - 8.30pm Saturday 8.00am - 9.00am

Cost: £8 drop in or £65 10 sessions
Contact: 07811 868611
Special Comments: Personal training also available. £40 a session or £400 for 12.

KEEP FIT Back to the top (updated July 2015)
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road
Meeting Times:

Tuesdays 1.30pm - 2.30pm, (Level 3 SMILE Aerobics)

Wednesdays 9.30am - 12pm, (Level 2 SMILE Aerobics and Games)

Thursdays 1.30pm - 3pm (Level 3 SMILE Circuits)

Cost: The first session is free
Contact: For further information please contact the SMILE team on 01628 685330 or email
Special Comments: The SMILE programme is an exercise and activity club for you if you're over 50, 60, 70 or 80. All equipment is provided and participants are asked to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. 


KEEP FIT Back to the top (updated November 2015)
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road
Meeting Times: Tuesdays 10-11.40am
Cost: Phone Angela for costs
Contact: Angela Porter 01628 526555
Special Comments: Special back exercises

KEEP FIT Back to the top
Name: Cookham Dean WI Keep Fit
Venue: WI Hall, Church Road, Cookham Dean
Meeting Times: Wednesdays 2pm
Cost: No Charge
Contact: 01628 624589 (Margaret Hill (to join Cookham Dean WI)
Special Comments: Must be member of Cookham Dean WI

KEEP FIT PERSONAL TRAINING Back to the top (updated May 2019)
Name: David Harris Personal trainer. Fitness,weight loss,nutrition.
Meeting Times:
Cost: Free initial telephone consultation. 5 sessions £225
Contact: mob 07885508234
Special Comments:
One stone weight loss in 8 weeks guaranteed.  

KICK BOXING Back to the top
Name: Cookham Dean WI Keep Fit
Venue: Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, School Lane, Cookham, SL6 9QJ.
Meeting Times: Tuesday nights at 7:30pm for 45 minutes 
Contact: Matthew Collins - 07828 534817        
Special Comments: The class is open to anyone aged 12 and above but those aged between 12 to 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Kickboxing is a great way to get fit and lose weight whilst also learning how to defend yourself. It is a friendly class with no egos and both men and women are welcome (although we have far more women in the class at the moment than men).

MARTIAL ARTS / KUNG FU Back to the top
Name: Little Samurai (updated 7 June 2011)
Meeting Times: Saturdays 9-9.45am
Cost: £6 a student
Contact: Matthew Collins - 07828 534817              
Special Comments: 4-6 years
The adult kickboxing class starts 9th June 2011 at 7:45pm in the Broom Farm Community Centre (SL4 4XW). From the Maidenhead junction of the M4 head towards Windsor and pass the turning for Bray. After the cemetery on the right and the hotel and golf course on your left, turn right and the first left with the pub on the corner, onto the Dedworth Road. After the garden centre turn almost immediately right into the Broom Farm residential estate where you will need to follow signs to the AWS or to Alexander School as the Community Centre is adjacent to these buildings.

The adult kickboxing lessons costs £6 for 45 minutes but if you do not like your first class the fee is refundable. The class will be a mixture of kickboxing, self protection and fitness and is a beginners class. I aim for my classes to be enjoyable and bravado free. People are welcome to train according to their fitness levels and step in and out of the lesson as they desire.

The class is open to anyone aged 12 and above but it is primarily and adult kickboxing class so anyone aged 12 to 16 will need to be accompanied by and adult. 

I hope to see you there but if you have any questions before hand let me know.

MARTIAL ARTS / KUNG FU Back to the top
Name: Young Dragons
Meeting Times:  
Contact: Nev Wray on 01628 630840 or 07860 431739
Special Comments: 5-12 years, fitness fun, kickboxing, self defence and self awareness skills

MARTIAL ARTS / KUNG FU Back to the top
Name: Eagle Claw Kung Fu
Venue: 78 Portlock Road, Maidenhead SL6 6DZ
Meeting Times: Open 6 days a week
Contact: 01628 780743
Special Comments: 6-12 years, 13-16 years and adult groups. Phone for FREE complimentary lesson.

MEDAU Back to the top 
Name: Medau
Venue: Cookham Dean Village Hall, Church Road
Meeting Times: 2.00pm-3.00pm Monday afternoon (Closed in August)
Cost: Phone Angela for costs
Contact: Angela Porter 01628 526555
Special Comments: All ages welcome

NETBALL Back to the top (updated April 2015)
Name: Maidenhead District Netball League
Venue: Kidwells Park, Holmanleaze, Maidenhead, SL6 8AW 
Meeting Times: The MDNL runs from September to March/April each year 
Contact: via website
Special Comments:  

NETBALL Back to the top
Venue: Alfred Major Recreation Ground, High Road
Meeting Times: Any time
Cost: No charge
Contact: (clerk to Parish Council) for information 01628 522003 
Special Comments: Marked hard area available to meet match standards

PETANQUE Back to the top
Name: Microscope Petanque Club
Venue: Cookham Dean Cricket Club, Whyteladyes Lane, Cookham Dean
Meeting Times: Practise any time. Play in Thames Valley District mid week league, matches every Tuesday April-July then continue in September. Some matches during rest of year too.
Cost: Must be a member of Cookham Dean Cricket Club.  Must also have license if you wish to play competitively - for insurance purposes. (approx. £15-£20 pa)
Contact: Don Paton 01628 417453
Special Comments: 3 lit pistes available. All ages welcome

PILATES Back to the top  (updated December 2016)
Name: Denise Tuke Pilates

The Parish Centre, Cookham

Meeting Times: Friday 9.30-10.25am and 10.35-11.30 (second class starts January 2017)
Contact Denise 07795 243174 email 
Please book in advance of class
Special Comments: Private classes offered by appointment.

PILATES Back to the top  (updated December 2024)
Name: My Pilates House

Choke Lane, Maidenhead


01628 207360

Special Comments: Pilates, including one to one and Sports Massage

PILATES Back to the top (updated October 2014)
Name: Clare Law - Personal Fitness Trainer

Cookham Dean Village Hall

Meeting Times: Thursdays 2-3pm

Clare Tel:01494 436371  Mob:07713632367

Special Comments: Please book in advance of class. Also one to one fitness in own home.

PILATES Back to the top (updated October 2014)
Name: Clare Law - Personal Fitness Trainer

Holy Trinity Parish Centre

Meeting Times: Mondays 10.30am

Clare Tel:01494 436371  Mob:07713632367

Special Comments: Please book in advance of class. Also one to one fitness in own home

PILATES Back to the top (updated 11 October 2012)
Name: Latimer Personal Training  

LaRoche Health and Leisure - Tuesday @ 9.30 am (members and non-members)

Meeting Times: Tuesdays 9.30am 
Cost: Click here for details

Hazel Tel: 07825 040040   Email: 

Special Comments:  

PILATES Back to the top (updated 29 September 2015)
Name: Pilates and Yoga in Cookham

Garden Studio 177 Whyteladyes Lane, next to the cricket club. Pilates and Yoga classes in small studio in Cookham with heated flooring, sedum roof and fully equipped.

Meeting Times:

Janet 07966 273977 

Special Comments: Janet is a L3 Mat Pilates Instructor.
Yoga 200 hour alliance (Dip FRYOG)
Body Balance and PureStretch Instructor

Booking essential as limited numbers.


PILATES Back to the top (updated 9 December 2013)
Name: Bob Belovitz

Pinder Hall 

Meeting Times: Mondays 18.45 and 19.55 
Cost: £8

Bob Belovitz Tel: 07990 806627 Email:

Special Comments:   

PILATES Back to the top (updated 9 December 2013)
Name: Bob Belovitz

Cookham Library, High Road

Meeting Times: Cookham Library Tuesdays 9.50am 
Cost: £8

Bob Belovitz Tel: 07990 806627  Email: 

Special Comments:   

PILATES Back to the top (updated 5 July 2016)
Name: Fitbuzz Pilates and Circuits

Holy Trinity Parish Centre 

Meeting Times: (1.45-2.45pm) 

Claire Brooks Tel: 07966 209785  

Special Comments:

PILATES Back to the top (updated 17 February 2019)
Name: Zen Energy

Holy Trinity Parish Centre 

Meeting Times: 7.30-8.30pm 
Cost: 6 week for £54

Laura 07850 912367 

Special Comments:

POOL Back to the top
Name: Cookham Social - Pool
Venue: Cookham Social Club, Station Hill
Meeting Times: Monday nights
Cost: Must be member of Social Club. Social Club membership January-December, £10 registration plus £5 p.a. Discount for OAPs.
Contact: Social Club 01628 810447 (7pm-10pm)
Special Comments: Member of Maidenhead Pool League

RELAXATION Back to the top
Name: Relaxation Classes "StressLess - RelaxMore"
Venue: Holy Trinity Parish Centre
Meeting Times: Wednesday 6 - 7.30pm 
Contact: Ros Mandeville 01628 530044 or
Special Comments: Enjoy higher levels of calmness, energy and well being. A type of yoga for the mind that clears and calms negative emotions and thoughts. Learn a range of self-relaxation techniques using breathing, relaxation and visualisation 

RUNNING Back to the top
Name: Cookham Running Club
Venue: Routes for beginner, returning and experienced runners in the countryside around Cookham from outside Station Hill Deli. Part of the Run In England scheme
Meeting Times:
Saturday: Cookham Running Club meets 9am Cookham Dean Cricket Club; details
Tuesday: Meets 7.15pm at Cookham Dean Cricket Club
Newcomers are welcome to try 2-4 runs before deciding whether to join. Membership is £40 per year which includes use of our new HQ and the club affiliation to ARC. We are non-profit making and any funds are ploughed back into the club to cover coaching and race costs.
Contact: Peta Bee - k 
Special Comments:
We welcome male and female members of ALL standards including complete beginners and generally have three groups on a Saturday morning (9am): a walk-to-run beginners group, a medium paced group and a faster group. Many of our members already run races and we are hoping to take part in local road and cross country leagues. However, we welcome members who want to run just for running's sake and because they enjoy the very social nature of the club. We have barbecues, pub runs every 6 weeks (there is one on June 9 in Turville). Although we have some very good runners, nobody is too slow to join. Our emphasis is on running for enjoyment and we cover many different local trails. We also meet on Tuesday evenings at the Cricket Club for a faster, more intense session which, again, is open to anyone.

RUNNING Back to the top
Name: Paddy McGrath Running (updated April 2013)
Meeting Times:  
Contact: Paddy McGrath -
Special Comments:
I have an expert back up team of sport psychologists and sport nutritionists who have worked with Olympians, so I hope to offer people the complete package to boost their running whether they are starting out or wanting to get faster.

We’ll be holding a workshop on ‘how to run a half marathon’ in June

SAILING Back to the top
Name: Cookham Reach Sailing Club (click for website)
Venue: Berries Road
Meeting Times: Racing day every Sunday April-December approx 10.00am-4.30pm weather permitting. Summertime - social sailing on Saturday afternoons.
Cost: Come to Club House on a Sunday to discuss membership
Contact: Call the Club House 01628 525569 Sundays only 10.00am - 4.30pm
Special Comments: Sail mainly Merlins and Enterprises plus a handicap fleet. All ages including children welcome. There are 4 club boats used for racing plus personally owned boats. Crew members always very welcome.

SALSA Back to the top
Name: Salsa - Noches Latinas
Venue: British Legion Hall, Station Parade, Marlow
Meeting Times: Mondays 7:45 - Beginners, 8-8.30pm Weekly Dance Taster, 8.30pm Intermediate and Advanced
Cost: £7.00 per session this includes Weekly Dance Taster 8-8.30pm, Students £4.00, Club After 9.30pm £3.50
Contact: Sue 07887982898
Special Comments: Have fun and keep trim while learning the steps to the great Latin rhythms of Salsa, Merengue, Cha Cha Cha and  Bachata. No partner needed. Everyone welcome. 

SLIMMING Back to the top
Name: Slimming World (click for website) (last Updated 26 February 2017)
Venue: Cookham Dean Cricket Club, Ricketts Field, Whyteladyes Lane, Cookham, SL6 9LF
Meeting Times: Thursdays at 7.30pm 
Contact: Sam 07907620572
Special Comments: There's a warm and friendly class near you

SLIMMING Back to the top  
Name: WeighLess for Life
Venue: Holy Trinity Parish Centre
Meeting Times: Thursday 2.00-4.00pm (starts 8th January 2009)
Contact: Ros Mandeville 01628 530044 or
Special Comments:  

SLIMMING Back to the top  
Name: WeighLess for Life
Venue: Windsor, Broom Farm RBWM
Meeting Times: Tuesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm (starts 27th January 2009)
Contact: Ros Mandeville 01628 530044 or
Special Comments:  

TABLE TENNIS Back to the top
Name: The Tigers (A Team) The Lions (B Team)
Venue: Cookham Social Club, Station Hill
Meeting Times: Home nights Mondays and Wednesdays, variable nights for away matches
Cost: Must be member of Social Club. Social Club membership January-December, £10 registration plus £5 p.a. Discount for OAPs.
Contact: Social Club 01628 810447 (7pm-10pm)
Special Comments: Member of Maidenhead Table Tennis League

TAI CHI Back to the top
Name: Tai Chi (Chi Kung - exercises)
Venue: WI Hall, Church Road, Cookham Dean
Meeting Times: Mondays 10.15am-11.15am
Cost: Must be member of Dean Rise WI
Contact: Christine Miller 01628 637587 (to join Dean Rise WI)
Special Comments: Suitable for all, particularly the less able. Also those with diabetes and high blood pressure. It is good for digestion and elimination. It is beneficial to people with arthritis and help with balance. It also gives an overall sense of well being

TAI CHI Back to the top 
Name: Cookham Dean WI Tai Chi
Venue: WI Hall, Church Road, Cookham Dean
Meeting Times: Mondays 3.00pm-4.00pm
Cost: Small charge but must be member of Cookham Dean WI
Special Comments: Suitable for all, particularly the less able. Also those with diabetes and high blood pressure. It is good for digestion and elimination. It is beneficial to people with arthritis and help with balance. It also gives an overall sense of well being

WALKING Back to the top
Name: Cookham Dean WI Walking Group
Meeting Times: Monday after regular members’ second Thursday of month meeting
Cost: No charge
Contact: 01628 624589 (Margaret Hill (to join Cookham Dean WI)
Special Comments: Must be member of Cookham Dean WI

WALKING Back to the top
Name: Dean Rise WI Walking Group
Meeting Times: Monthly - 4th Wednesday in month. 9.30am – around midday.
Cost: Must be member of Dean Rise WI (or come with member)
Contact: Marion Elly 01628 482637 (to become member of Dean Rise WI)
Special Comments: Mainly walking in local area 3-5 miles

YOGA Back to the top (Updated 1 September 2017)
Name: YogaTonicUK
Venue: In home studio or deck on Terrys Lane, Cookham Village
Meeting Times: Evening: Mon 7pm, Tue 7:30, Daytime (term time only): Mon 9:15am, Wed 9:15am
Cost: £8 if blockbooking course, £10 drop in
Contact: Shannon Phillis, 07786 276 626   
Special Comments: Husband/wife Tim/Shannon teach classes for all levels of yoga ability. Style is vinyasa flow. Specialty is sports yoga, or those wanting to stay injury and stress free.
Visit to see updated class times, Like @yogatonicuk on Facebook

YOGA Back to the top (Updated 5 March 2020)
Name: Unwind Yoga Studio
Venue: 11 Station Parade Cookham, SL6 9BR
Meeting Times: N/A
Cost: New Student Offer - 14 Days of Unlimited Yoga for £30
Special Comments: Yoga & meditation classes in our serene yoga sanctuary, focusing on reducing stress and increasing flexibility and mobility.

YOGA Back to the top (Updated 15 July 2015)
Name: Dynamic Hatha Yoga with Jeff Phenix
Venue: Cookham Library, High Road, Cookham Rise SL6 9JF
Meeting Times: Saturdays 10am to 11.15am 
Cost: Cost £10 drop in
Contact: Contact: Jeff Phenix t.07870 569 466 or email  
Special Comments: Special comments: see for more details.  All levels welcome

Please email before coming the 1st time and then come as regularly as u like, paying drop in rate of £10.

Wear  comfortable clothing you can move freely in. Yoga is done in bare feet so socks work better than tights! Not eating for 2-3 hours before practicing is generally recommended.

Mats and props are available to borrow but if you have your own please bring.


YOGA Back to the top (Updated 29 January 2018)
Name: Matt’s Yoga
Venue: Cores End United Reformed Church, Hawks Hill, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5HZ.
Meeting Times:
  • Tuesday 8:15 - 9:15pm
  • Friday 7:00 - 8:00pm
  • Saturday 11:45 - 12:45pm
Cost: £10

07568 515 354
Special Comments:

These classes are suitable for men and women of any age and ability level. Easier and harder versions of postures will be given along with individual guidance.

We will work on strengthening and stabilising, especially around the core of the body.

There's no need to book, however please contact me prior to your first session. Beginners are warmly welcomed!

Wear comfortable sports clothing, which allows a full range of movement. A basic yoga mat is required.

There's plenty of free parking as the church has its own car park.

YOGA Back to the top (Updated 14 January 2015)
Name: Hatha Yoga with Janet Wickens 

Cores End URC Church Hall Hawks Hill, Bourne End, SL8 5HZ (car park at the back)

Meeting Times: Wednesdays 10 - 11.15am
Cost: Class cost £36 for four weeks or £10 drop in

Contact Janet on 07966 273977 or

Special Comments:


YOGA Back to the top (Updated 20 July 2019)
Name: Iyengar Yoga 
Venue: Pugin Room, St Peters Church, St Peters Street, Marlow
Meeting Times: Tuesday evening  7 - 8.30pm.
£ 10 per class for 10 week term - £100 paid in advance
Or £13 drop-in
Contact: Margaret Rawlinson 07721455421. 
Special Comments:
Experienced, and detailed  teaching by senior Iyengar teacher.  All levels welcome 
Contact Margaret for further details or visit website

YOGA Back to the top (Updated 20 July 2019)
Name: Iyengar Yoga 
Venue: Pinder Hall, Lower Road
Meeting Times: Monday 10.00am-11.30am and Thursday 10.00am-11.30am
£ 10 per class for 10 week term - £100 paid in advance
Or £13 drop-in
Contact: Margaret Rawlinson 07721455421. 
Special Comments:
Experienced, and detailed teaching by senior Iyengar teacher.  All levels welcome 
Contact Margaret for further details or visit website 

YOGA Back to the top (Updated 20 July 2019)
Name: Yoga Workshop 
St Pirans Maidenhead   
For experienced students only
Meeting Times:

Monthly 9.30am -12.30pm 

£ 10 per class for 10 week term - £100 paid in advance
Or £13 drop-in
Contact: Margaret Rawlinson 07721455421.
Special Comments:
Experienced, and detailed  teaching by senior Iyengar teacher.  For experienced students only.
Contact Margaret for further details or visit website 

YOGA Back to the top  
Name: Yoga with Beatrice
Venue: Coxborrow Close, Cookham
Meeting Times:

Four weekly classes - see website for details

Cost: See website for details
Contact: 01628 524840 / 07854 001736
Special Comments: * Qualified teacher
* Daytime and evening classes
* Small classes with personal attention

YOGA Back to the top
Name: Kundalini Yoga
Venue: Sol Mill, Mill Lane, Cookham Village
Meeting Times: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday 9am-10am. All welcome
Cost: All classes cost £6 (or £20 for 4 when paid in advance). 
Contact: Lindsay Willcocks 01628 530715 
Special Comments: All classes are drop-in and suitable for everyone, including beginners. Mats are not provided. Also available for private one-to-one and children's classes.

YOGA Back to the top Updated September 2018
Name: Kundalini Yoga
Venue: WI Hall, Church Road, Cookham Dean
Meeting Times: Starting in October - Thursdays @ the lovely Cookham Dean WI hut.
4; 11; 18; 25 October then more to follow.7pm to 8.30pm
Cost: £10 drop-in
Special Comments:
Uplifting, challenging, rewarding and manageable for all.

These weekly classes will:
Reduce stress
Balance emotions
Strengthen physical, emotional and mental bodies
Teach strategies for wellbeing


YOGA Back to the top Updated September 2018
Name: Pure Yoga
Venue: See website
Meeting Times:
Special Comments: Adult and Child Yoga  

YOGA (CHILDREN/TEENS) Back to the top Updated September 2018
Name: Starchild Yoga
Venue: Cookham Dean WI hut.
Meeting Times: Starting in October - Thursdays 4; 11; 18; 25 October then more to follow. 5.45pm to 6.45pm
Cost: £10 or £36 for 4 paid upfront.
Special Comments:

TEEN YOGA (13 – 18)

Uplifting, challenging, rewarding and manageable for all. If you have a teenager who needs to chill, give me a call – 07710 334 286

These weekly classes will:
Reduce stress
Balance emotions
Strengthen physical, emotional and mental bodies
Teach strategies for wellbeing.

GREAT FOR DofE (new skill and physical activity)


YOGA (CHILDREN) Back to the top
Name: yoga4kids
Meeting Times:   
Contact: Richard Furgerson 01628 605485 or mobile 07769 707777
Special Comments: Age groups 4-7 years and 8-14 years. Group classes or one to one

ZUMBA Back to the top - Updated May 2021
Name: Halo Health Angels - Zumba
Venue: CIM Moor Hall, Cookham 
Meeting Times: 7pm Thursday 10am Saturday
Cost:  £6.00 1 Hour
Special Comments:  

ZUMBA Back to the top
Name: Zumba Fitness class
Meeting Times:  
Cost: £6.00 per person (for the hour)
For further info call Bridget on 07838 936983,or email
Special Comments: Suitable for all fitness levels. Beginners welcome.

ZUMBA Back to the top
Name: Zumba Fitness class
Meeting Times:  
Cost: £6.00 per person (for the hour)
For further info call Bridget on 07838 936983,or email
Special Comments: Suitable for all fitness levels. Beginners welcome.

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